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More Internet Download Manager 6. Accelerate downloads by up to 5 times, schedule downloads, recover and resume broken downloads. The program features an adaptive download accelerator, dynamic file segmentation, high speed settings technology, and multipart downloading … more info Additional titles containing cnet free downloads. And what we wanted to kind of isolate or find with you--or find for you was you've mentioned kind of a price point somewhere between and dollars, is that correct?

Some of the cool things that it does have on it, though, is the Slacker radio service built into it. It has an FM tuner, customizable EQs which the iPod family does not have, you can, you know, create, you know, change the sound levels and to customize it the way that you want. Also it supports Amazon on-demand video so you can get video pumped on to that device as well.

And so this is--right now our price range on CNET is showing it anywhere between 86 dollars at the lowest point to a dollars at its highest point, so.

So I was--I was kinda looking at the--I know there is the iPod classic, the gig. So, you know, basically I know you guys are probably are dealing more with what you call probably more cutting edge or newer things, but I was even looking at possibly one of the 5G, the gigabyte, but I've already looked at any price as whatever.

So basically, well, just--just a little advice right now what would you guys figure what would be the best bang for the buck as far as storage. What I would do is go on--'cause the thing is everybody is upgrading now because, you know, luckily for you, there's a new iPod about every 8 days.

I'm gonna look on Craigslist right now while we're talking 'cause I bet you can find that thing all over, you know, for a bucks. Sometime, you know, you have a product that you've been only using for a year; you can sell it for about 66 percent of the price that you paid for. But the Zunes, you know, there are people who are just kinda--I have a feeling that you're gonna be able to find better prices on those.

You guys gave me some food for thought there. I really appreciate it. So even though you may think it's really cool someone is giving you their hard drive that has MP3s on, you don't know what else is there. You don't wanna wind up accidentally getting in trouble, it's much better to just clear the whole thing out and start if fresh. Alright so, great tips from Seth and actually we're gonna have many more tips and some must-have software from Seth in just a minute after we take a short break.

Because when it comes to kids and healing, you're not just powering a toy, you're powering a smile. Duracell, trusted everywhere. To get the real story on them, there's really only one place to go, CNET. Discover something new at CNET. Discover all music and explore endless personalized radio stations. Find out more at www. As you know, we have our own CNET software expert Seth Rosenblatt in the studio, so we thought that today would be--we thought, hey coincidentally we should talk about software today.

What do you think? Alright so--but this the time of year, Seth, when everybody gets a new computer, not everybody, but a lot of people do. Jason's got the Mac starter kit, Jessica has been doing the Mobile ones, and I've got the Windows ones. So we've got the Windows starter kit, which if you go the website, and it's on the left knob, there's also a big bar in the middle where it'll take you right to it. We cover basically everything. We've got web browsers, email clients, office stuff like OpenOffice, image editors, duke boxes, compression chat, social networking utilities, everything.

And there's so much going on in security in Windows that we actually have spun out the security starter kit on its own. So there is no cost for downloading any of it. I mean I think you instantly get nag, you know, you've got like usually some kind of trial of Norton Antivirus.

Should you just dump all that and go and get a free software download? It's funny you mentioned Norton because this year's version of Norton is actually really good. It's surprised a lot of people, but they've completely overhauled it.

So if you do have Norton and you don't--and you don't have to pay for it, you might as well keep it. The version is a shocking overhaul. We've got a vast home addition. Now this is the stable version, the 4. I know that version 5 is coming with a slightly less ridiculous interface I think sometime in But I love using a vast. You mean it won't look like a car stereo? It's a little strange. We could chuck it up to their--to them being European, but when I spoke to them about it, they actually disavow any knowledge of that interface at all.

And you can actually skin it. So if you get--if you grab 4. They're very lightweight. They're super light on resources. In recent efficacy test, Microsoft security essentials came out fairly strongly. Once again, who knew that 2 of the better security options in '09 would be from Horn and Microsoft. So what do people ask you all the time? Is there some software question that people ask you all the time?

It seems to me that everybody is talking about security when it comes to software, but do you get like, you know, non-stop Window 7 upgrade questions? But by enlarge, those questions sort of died down after November. Security is always a big one. And again, the start--the security starter kit, I've busted out the antivirus spyware removal.

It's scary. It's a scary world out there right now. I gave it 5 stars. I really like this plug-in. It works on Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome. Operating Safari on Windows don't directly support it but there is a bookmarklet that I linked to that you can get to it for opera. It's extremely well known. This is from AVG. It wasn't originally but they bought it. Alright, you can--all of these and more is at download.

You can just--you could really spend days kinda finding out great software to put on your computer. Few things in life are better than free stuff. And for the technologically-minded free software is the best of the best. You can find free and I mean legal software on the net for just about anything you need to do. I took a little informal survey on Twitter and Facebook, it came to a consensus on the best free software, the best of the best to the best.

So let's count them down. At number 5, the GIMP. It's big and some people find it incomprehensible, but man, is this PhotoShop replacement powerful. If you want a serious advance image editor, this is the one. Coming in at number 4, HandBrake. It's a converter best known for ripping DVDs into portable formats for things like phones and media players. And contrary to some misinformation, HandBreak does not break the law. You can break the law with it, but that goes for every other piece of software you own as well.

Up to number 3, Firefox. Firefox has been a star in open source land. They started from a donated code base and it became a browser force. It's one of the reasons we have browser choice these days. Sliding in at number 2, OpenOffice from OpenOffice. This software is sweet as it truly come into its own. It's a Word processor spreadsheet, presentation maker, and more. You do not necessarily need to spend money on Microsoft Office. Before we get to number 1, time for another Lame Prize.

Richard Stallman is credited with starting the free software movement in with the launch of what project? If you are the first 10 people to answer that correctly at the post for this top 5 of blog. Ask again later. Alright let's get to our number1, the top piece of free software, the best of the best of the best of the best.

At number 1, it's the VLC media player, the overwhelming favorite of the folks on Twitter and Facebook. It can play almost any piece of video you throw at it and it comes with a bevy of video codex.

I used to constantly to watch DVDs that seems somehow to be broken on the DVD software that came with my computer, not to mention VLC can transcode video and share it over a network.

Truly awesome. Don't forget to answer the Lame Prize question at blog. I'm Tom Merritt. It will be. Turns out the magic words are free, and also software.

So we do some calls real quick. Alright, let's start with Bill in San Francisco. He is computer shopping. Hello, Bill. I'm trying to find, you know, has the Windows 7 computers and so forth come out to the point where it serve the new generation of stuffs out, and stable and everything, and I shouldn't get the framework.

Should I wait 'til January or for a couple of months for sort of the new computers to come out? But I also wanna do more video editing and photos now, 'cause it's just extremely slow on my older computer desktop.

Is it okay to get, you know, the kind of the first wave of Windows 7 machines? As far as I can tell, there's no problem--no major problems with any of them. It's not operating system related, though. It's really up to the hardware at this point. The longer you wait, the better the hardware is gonna get. But, you know, at some point, you need a new machine. I mean, I guess that now is the question with Windows, right? That Windows 7 is running pretty much up the par on all these new--all these current systems.

Because in order for them to even make the jump to Vista even though that was kind of a disaster, the hardware was there in place to support the OS. Where is Brian Tong? But my--yeah, I would say, you know, again, with Ashley's rule of electronics, if you don't have it, you can't use it.

This is the Pine View family, where everything is integrated on the chip. From the lab top side, not in net book side now, we're talking about the lab top side, the Arrandale processors, are gonna be coming out in January 7th. So you can expect to see those in new lab tops in the Q1 of next year. And then if you wanna talk about desktops, the Gulftown processors spec, that's a 6-core processor. It was just a week that was announced.

But those would be coming sometime in the first half of next year. So if you, you know, it's December, it's the end of the year. If you can wait 3 months, you'll get some of the newest stuff realistically. It sounds like you're there but you'd, you know, you're willing to wait for a good deal?

It's not like it the best value from my buck and then keep it for a couple of years. I mean, I--personally, I would buy now 'cause there's some great machines out. And there are some great prices on those machines. But you are--there is always--there's always a great value around the corner. And it's true that right now, it's smaller crop of Windows 7 machines. You know, you're gonna have the entire field to choose from in two or three more months, like BT says. And that's really where the future is.

Alright, well, I hope that helps, Bill. We're gonna keep the calls rolling 'cause we've got a lot of people on hold and we want to help them. Let's see, let's go to line 3 for Jason. Are you there, Jason? Welcome to Holiday Help Desk. First of all, just let me say, again, I like your podcast, love Buzz Out Loud.

I listen everyday. You can't win them all. I'm good. And I was interested in getting a Bluetooth, like earbuds, so I can listen to the podcast, listen to my music, you know, when I go to the gym. And I was--I'm really kind of hoping that possibly, it could work for both.

But I didn't wanna get, you know, spend a lot of money for something that, you know, didn't work, and I've seen mixed reviews on several different ones. Well the ones that--the ones that we seem to like the best that are Bluetooth earbuds 'cause the Bluetooth earbuds seems to be the sticking point.


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We have 2 lines open, 3 lines open. So let's start--let's start here with Hurtis. Are you there Hurtis? Don't change it. It's original. I just was afraid that maybe you are actually Curtis and we just didn't hear you right. I go back old school like hammer. Hurtis to me is don't hurt them. I don't know his--his name is but I see his hand and we've been kinda going back and forth Mr.

B1 over there, I saw. I love my music all over like the Lala site that--me. I'm looking for the best bang for the buck basically the biggest hard drive. Once again I don't need photos, I don't need video, be nice to have some type of on-screen display. What's the best price point right now and it doesn't have to be new, it could be used. What would you guys suggest? And what we wanted to kind of isolate or find with you--or find for you was you've mentioned kind of a price point somewhere between and dollars, is that correct?

Some of the cool things that it does have on it, though, is the Slacker radio service built into it. It has an FM tuner, customizable EQs which the iPod family does not have, you can, you know, create, you know, change the sound levels and to customize it the way that you want.

Also it supports Amazon on-demand video so you can get video pumped on to that device as well. And so this is--right now our price range on CNET is showing it anywhere between 86 dollars at the lowest point to a dollars at its highest point, so. So I was--I was kinda looking at the--I know there is the iPod classic, the gig. So, you know, basically I know you guys are probably are dealing more with what you call probably more cutting edge or newer things, but I was even looking at possibly one of the 5G, the gigabyte, but I've already looked at any price as whatever.

So basically, well, just--just a little advice right now what would you guys figure what would be the best bang for the buck as far as storage. What I would do is go on--'cause the thing is everybody is upgrading now because, you know, luckily for you, there's a new iPod about every 8 days.

I'm gonna look on Craigslist right now while we're talking 'cause I bet you can find that thing all over, you know, for a bucks. Sometime, you know, you have a product that you've been only using for a year; you can sell it for about 66 percent of the price that you paid for. But the Zunes, you know, there are people who are just kinda--I have a feeling that you're gonna be able to find better prices on those.

You guys gave me some food for thought there. I really appreciate it. So even though you may think it's really cool someone is giving you their hard drive that has MP3s on, you don't know what else is there. You don't wanna wind up accidentally getting in trouble, it's much better to just clear the whole thing out and start if fresh. Alright so, great tips from Seth and actually we're gonna have many more tips and some must-have software from Seth in just a minute after we take a short break.

Because when it comes to kids and healing, you're not just powering a toy, you're powering a smile. Duracell, trusted everywhere. To get the real story on them, there's really only one place to go, CNET. Discover something new at CNET. Discover all music and explore endless personalized radio stations. Find out more at www. As you know, we have our own CNET software expert Seth Rosenblatt in the studio, so we thought that today would be--we thought, hey coincidentally we should talk about software today.

What do you think? Alright so--but this the time of year, Seth, when everybody gets a new computer, not everybody, but a lot of people do. Jason's got the Mac starter kit, Jessica has been doing the Mobile ones, and I've got the Windows ones. So we've got the Windows starter kit, which if you go the website, and it's on the left knob, there's also a big bar in the middle where it'll take you right to it.

We cover basically everything. We've got web browsers, email clients, office stuff like OpenOffice, image editors, duke boxes, compression chat, social networking utilities, everything. And there's so much going on in security in Windows that we actually have spun out the security starter kit on its own.

So there is no cost for downloading any of it. I mean I think you instantly get nag, you know, you've got like usually some kind of trial of Norton Antivirus. Should you just dump all that and go and get a free software download? It's funny you mentioned Norton because this year's version of Norton is actually really good.

It's surprised a lot of people, but they've completely overhauled it. So if you do have Norton and you don't--and you don't have to pay for it, you might as well keep it.

The version is a shocking overhaul. We've got a vast home addition. Now this is the stable version, the 4. I know that version 5 is coming with a slightly less ridiculous interface I think sometime in But I love using a vast. You mean it won't look like a car stereo?

It's a little strange. We could chuck it up to their--to them being European, but when I spoke to them about it, they actually disavow any knowledge of that interface at all. And you can actually skin it. So if you get--if you grab 4. They're very lightweight. They're super light on resources. In recent efficacy test, Microsoft security essentials came out fairly strongly.

Once again, who knew that 2 of the better security options in '09 would be from Horn and Microsoft. So what do people ask you all the time? Is there some software question that people ask you all the time? It seems to me that everybody is talking about security when it comes to software, but do you get like, you know, non-stop Window 7 upgrade questions? But by enlarge, those questions sort of died down after November. Security is always a big one. And again, the start--the security starter kit, I've busted out the antivirus spyware removal.

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Best free software. Watch Now. Dec 23, Culture. I have seniority. Fine, let's just--let's just see everywhere I'm gonna screw you up and take all of your lines. It's gonna be a great show. I mean things are going great today. Anyway, you can call us with your questions or to try to calm us down at CNET You can also join the chatroom, that's at cnet. You might have to get a little commercial or whatever but it gets to our talking right away. I still can't get over that guy. Okay, here we go.

We got prices Crave. Today's price is the Flip Mino HD. Flip Mino HD. But obviously, a CVO in your pocket. Is that dirty? Bread rolls on two forks. Have you seen the ad? It's like the dancing feet.

Oh, right now there's over at 3, people that are commenting, so just sign up on our site. Go get it. That's a killer if you have--especially if you have kitties or bread rolls. Alright, well now that I'm thoroughly embarrassed and newb in the world, let's jump in with our deals 'cause that's what we do [inaudible]. It's 1, dollars with free shipping. But the big part about this is currently throughout the season other than Cyber Monday, it's the lowest at shopper. So that's killer 1 then.

Then if you look down one more Epson, if you like some Epson goodies, you get free shipping, that's fine alright, but then we found a 4-dot hot item. And it's only like I think it's like 2. I hate waiting for that whole second. Eee--everyone stops. And there's a list. You can click through to a list of the cameras that it works with and it works with all the major Cannon SLRs, so you should be totally fine, all the Rebels, all the EOS'.

You should just give that for 3 bucks and you just put it in the stocking and people even if they have it can kinda be like, "I don't know, it just seem so useful. So there you go. You're practically the deal hunter. Is he on the show today?

He's oh--he's right there. Power on, cheapskate. I got to be honest. Okay, so the deal today is who doesn't like free stuff we all like free stuff, right? And everybody needs a good DVD ripping utility today over at the aptly named give--aptly named the giveawayoftheday. The only catch is you have to download it and install it today before the clock strikes midnight.

That's the only string attached, otherwise, you got a nice little DVD ripping utility for archiving your stuff then watching your DVDs on your iPod or what have you. Actually that's pretty--this is actually pretty great. I think I'm gonna do this 'cause it's so useful too 'cause I like to get the Diego DVDs for the child and then rip them and put them on either the iPod or now the Droid and it is super useful to have this.

And then the backup deal actually I think is pretty good. You know, yeah, the backup deal of today Amazon is generously offering anyone who clicks a 4-dollar credit for their video on demand service, so if you wanna get yourself a nice little movie or TV rental, you can do so free, no strings attached, free, free, free, free, free. Alright, thank you Rick very much. You think so? So Backupify allows you to backup your cloud base data to another cloud base service. It's a little wonky but if you sign up before I think the end of January in , you get a free lifetime storage.

Three, two, one. Alright, so we do some calls? Phone lines are open CNET We have 2 calls. We have 2 lines open, 3 lines open. So let's start--let's start here with Hurtis. Are you there Hurtis? Don't change it. It's original. I just was afraid that maybe you are actually Curtis and we just didn't hear you right.

I go back old school like hammer. Hurtis to me is don't hurt them. I don't know his--his name is but I see his hand and we've been kinda going back and forth Mr. B1 over there, I saw.

I love my music all over like the Lala site that--me. I'm looking for the best bang for the buck basically the biggest hard drive. Once again I don't need photos, I don't need video, be nice to have some type of on-screen display. What's the best price point right now and it doesn't have to be new, it could be used. What would you guys suggest? And what we wanted to kind of isolate or find with you--or find for you was you've mentioned kind of a price point somewhere between and dollars, is that correct?

Some of the cool things that it does have on it, though, is the Slacker radio service built into it. It has an FM tuner, customizable EQs which the iPod family does not have, you can, you know, create, you know, change the sound levels and to customize it the way that you want. Also it supports Amazon on-demand video so you can get video pumped on to that device as well.

And so this is--right now our price range on CNET is showing it anywhere between 86 dollars at the lowest point to a dollars at its highest point, so. So I was--I was kinda looking at the--I know there is the iPod classic, the gig. So, you know, basically I know you guys are probably are dealing more with what you call probably more cutting edge or newer things, but I was even looking at possibly one of the 5G, the gigabyte, but I've already looked at any price as whatever. So basically, well, just--just a little advice right now what would you guys figure what would be the best bang for the buck as far as storage.

What I would do is go on--'cause the thing is everybody is upgrading now because, you know, luckily for you, there's a new iPod about every 8 days. I'm gonna look on Craigslist right now while we're talking 'cause I bet you can find that thing all over, you know, for a bucks.

Sometime, you know, you have a product that you've been only using for a year; you can sell it for about 66 percent of the price that you paid for. But the Zunes, you know, there are people who are just kinda--I have a feeling that you're gonna be able to find better prices on those.

You guys gave me some food for thought there. I really appreciate it. So even though you may think it's really cool someone is giving you their hard drive that has MP3s on, you don't know what else is there.

You don't wanna wind up accidentally getting in trouble, it's much better to just clear the whole thing out and start if fresh. Alright so, great tips from Seth and actually we're gonna have many more tips and some must-have software from Seth in just a minute after we take a short break. Because when it comes to kids and healing, you're not just powering a toy, you're powering a smile.

Duracell, trusted everywhere. To get the real story on them, there's really only one place to go, CNET. Discover something new at CNET. Discover all music and explore endless personalized radio stations. Find out more at www. As you know, we have our own CNET software expert Seth Rosenblatt in the studio, so we thought that today would be--we thought, hey coincidentally we should talk about software today.

What do you think? Alright so--but this the time of year, Seth, when everybody gets a new computer, not everybody, but a lot of people do. Jason's got the Mac starter kit, Jessica has been doing the Mobile ones, and I've got the Windows ones. So we've got the Windows starter kit, which if you go the website, and it's on the left knob, there's also a big bar in the middle where it'll take you right to it.
